How To Know If You Have Wide Feet?

Are you tired of constantly struggling to find shoes that fit comfortably? Do your toes feel cramped and constricted in most pairs of footwear? If this sounds familiar, it’s possible that you have wide feet.

While having wide feet is not uncommon, it can make shoe shopping a frustrating experience. But don’t worry, because in this blog post, we will guide you through the process of determining if your feet are on the wider side.

So, how do you know if you have wide feet?

Here are some ways to tell if you have wide feet:

  • Measure your foot: Measure the width of your foot at its widest point, usually at the ball of your foot. You can also measure the distance between the big toe joint and the small toe joint.
  • Check your shoe size: A regular or medium foot width is a little less than half of your foot size in inches. For example, a size 7 shoe with a regular foot width would be around 3.45 inches, while a wide size 7 foot would measure anywhere from 3.75 to 4.25 inches. A size 5 foot that measures 3.5 inches across the forefoot is wide, but a size 8 foot with the same width is considered medium.
  • Try on shoes: If the shoes feel tight or pinch at the sides, you likely have wider feet. You might also struggle to find any shoes that don’t make your feet feel like a cased sausage.
  • Look at the shape of your foot: If your toes splay out wider than your heels, you may have wider feet.

Wide feet are characterized by having a larger forefoot width and a thicker midfoot and heel.

By following these tips, you can confidently determine if you have wide feet and start shopping for shoes that provide the perfect fit.

So, let’s delve into the details and bid farewell to ill-fitting footwear once and for all.

How do I measure my feet?

To find out if you have big feet, there are a few important steps you need to take. First, you’ll need a flat surface, like a mat or a piece of paper, to stand on. Once you’ve found a flat surface, stand with your heels against a wall or another flat surface. Make sure your weight is level on both feet. This will make sure that the number is correct.

Next, use a pencil or pen to draw a line around your feet, making sure to follow the edges of your feet. Next, use a ruler or tape measure to find the biggest part of your foot. Then, you can compare this number to common shoe sizes to see if your feet are big.

Keep in mind that shoe sizes can be different between brands and styles. To find the best fit for your wide feet, you should always try on a variety of shoes and sizes.

For an even more exact reading, don’t forget to measure your feet at the end of the day, when they are soreest. Should you have major problems because of your big feet, you might want to talk to a doctor for more advice.

How do I measure the width of my foot?

To accurately measure the width of your foot and determine if you have wide feet, follow these straightforward steps:

How To Know If You Have Wide Feet-2

  • Gather materials: All you need is a flat surface, a piece of paper, a pen or pencil, and a ruler or tape measure.
  • Place your foot on a flat surface: Sit comfortably on a chair or stool and place your foot on a flat surface, such as a piece of paper.
  • Trace the outline of your foot: Use a pen or pencil to trace the outline of your foot while keeping it in its natural and relaxed position.
  • Repeat with the other foot: Repeat the same process for your other foot.
  • Measure the width: Using a ruler or tape measure, measure the widest part of your foot (usually the ball of your foot) in inches or centimeters.
  • Compare to shoe size chart: Once you have your measurement, compare it to a shoe size chart to determine your foot width. Keep in mind that shoe size charts may slightly differ between brands, so it’s best to check with the specific brand you are interested in purchasing from.
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Below is a table displaying the approximate shoe width based on measurement:

Measurement (inches/cm) Shoe Width
3 5/16″ / 8.4 cm Extra Narrow (2A)
3 7/16″ / 8.7 cm Narrow (B)
3 9/16″ / 9 cm Medium (D)
3 13/16″ / 9.7 cm Wide (2E)
4 1/16″ / 10.3 cm Extra Wide (4E)

It’s worth noting that shoe sizes can vary depending on the style and material of the shoe. So if you are purchasing a specific type of shoe, it may be beneficial to try on different sizes to find the perfect fit for your wide feet.

Why do I have wide feet?

There are many factors that can contribute to having wide feet. These include genetics, aging, foot deformities, ill-fitting shoes, pregnancy, and swelling.

Genetics plays a significant role in determining the width of your feet. Some people are simply born with wider feet due to their genetic makeup. This is why you may notice that certain family members also have wider feet.

As we get older, our bodies change and this can also affect the width of our feet. As ligaments and tendons loosen, our feet tend to grow longer and wider. This is a natural part of the aging process and can result in wider feet.

Foot deformities such as bunions, calluses, or hammer toes can also cause your feet to become wider. These conditions can change the shape of your foot, making it wider than usual.

Improper footwear is another common cause of wide feet. Wearing shoes that do not fit properly can lead to foot deformities over time. That is why it is important to wear shoes that are the correct size and provide adequate support for your feet.

Pregnancy can also cause your feet to become wider. As the body prepares for childbirth, it produces a hormone called relaxin which causes ligaments in the body, including those in the feet, to relax. This can result in an increase in foot width.

Finally, swelling can also contribute to wide feet. This can be caused by various factors such as standing for long periods of time or certain medical conditions. Swelling in the feet can make them appear wider and feel uncomfortable.

How about if I have narrow feet?

Determining whether or not you have narrow feet can be quite tricky. It involves examining various indicators, such as constantly having to tighten your shoe laces, struggling to find comfortable shoes, and having a more slender and streamlined shape to your foot. These are all tell-tale signs that you may have narrow feet.

Having narrow feet can bring about a host of issues. Among the most common are difficulties in finding shoes that fit properly, foot pain and discomfort, and instability due to the smaller surface area of narrow feet. These problems can greatly affect your overall foot health.

If you suspect that you have narrow feet, it’s always best to consult with a podiatrist for proper diagnosis and treatment options. They can provide you with expert advice on how to take care of your feet and help you find the right shoes that will provide optimal comfort and support for your unique foot shape.

Having narrow feet may seem like a minor concern, but it can greatly impact your daily life. So don’t hesitate to seek professional help and take care of your feet properly.

What if I have narrow feet and bunions?

When browsing for footwear, there are certain factors to consider if you have narrow feet and bunions.

It’s important to search for shoes with slender or slim widths, spacious and deep toe boxes, and pliable and flexible materials. In addition, consider the option of adjustable shoes that can cater to your distinct foot shape.

Measuring your foot width and experimenting with different sizes can also help you find the perfect fit.

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Need your feet measured properly? Get a professional to do it.

Hire a pro to do it for you. One of the most accurate ways to find out if you have big feet is to get help from a trained professional at a foot center. These experts have access to special tools and methods that can give them exact readings and help them spot any possible foot health problems.

The most common way to measure feet is with the Brannock Device, a metal tool that you can find in shoe shops. However, experts may also use 3D foot monitors or computer measuring tools to get even more accurate results.

One of the professionals will measure both the length and width of your feet during the process. To find out if you have wide feet, they will measure the space between your two biggest parts of foot, which is generally where your toes meet. By comparing this measurement to common shoe size charts, we’ll know if you need a bigger size.

Professionals can not only give you accurate measures, but they can also suggest shoe types and names that are better for people with wide feet. If you want to improve comfort and fit, they may also consider getting orthotics or shoe inserts made just for you.

Speaking of which, the best way to know for sure if you have wide feet and find the right shoes for your specific foot size and shape is to have a professional measure your feet. If you have any worries or questions about your foot health, don’t be afraid to ask them for help.


In conclusion, navigating the world of shoe shopping with wide feet can be a daunting task.

But fear not, there are steps you can take to ensure a successful and satisfying experience. By accurately measuring your feet and understanding the factors that contribute to wide feet, such as genetics, aging, foot deformities, and improper footwear, you can confidently determine if you have wide feet.

Seeking professional help from a foot clinic is also highly recommended for precise measurements and recommendations on suitable shoe styles.

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